Level: 9
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Center HP and AC buff Abj. Vendor 40
Endure Fire Adds to fire resistance Abj. Vendor 20
Endure Poison Single Target Poison Resist Buff (25) Abj. Vendor 20
Fear Fear spell Alt. Vendor 40
Hammer of Wrath Summons a magical hammer Con. Vendor 50
Invigor Restores stamina Alt. Vendor 20
Root Stops target's movement Alt. Vendor 30
Sense the Dead Detects undead creatures Div. Vendor 5
Soothe Reduces the target's aggression Alt. Vendor 30
Summon Food Summons a food source Con. Vendor 10
Word of Pain Point blank AE direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 47
Level: 14
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Bind Affinity Sets bind point Alt. Vendor 100
Cancel Magic Removes a magical effect Abj. Vendor 30
Endure Cold Adds to cold resistance Abj. Vendor 20
Endure Disease Adds to disease resistance Abj. Vendor 20
Expulse Undead Undead DD spell Evo. Vendor 60
Halo of Light Summons a Halo of Light Con. Vendor 40
Healing Healing spell Alt. Vendor 60
Invisibility vs Undead Makes target invisible vs undead creatures Div. Vendor 40
Sense Summoned Will target the nearest summoned creature around you Div. Vendor 5
Smite Direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 70
Symbol of Transal Increase Hitpoint Base (max: 73) Abj. Vendor 55
Level: 19
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Calm Reduces the target's aggression Alt. Vendor 50
Daring HP and AC buff Abj. Vendor 60
Endure Magic Adds to magic resist Abj. Vendor 40
Extinguish Fatigue Restores stamina Alt. Vendor 35
Holy Might Stuns target with a small amount of damage Evo. Vendor 60
Spirit Armor AC buff Abj. Vendor 75
Ward Summoned Summoned DD spell Evo. Vendor 30
Word of Shadow Point blank AE direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 85
Yaulp II Self only combat buff spell Abj. Vendor 15
Level: 24
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Bravery HP and AC buff Abj. Vendor 70
Counteract Poison Cures target of poison effects Alt. Vendor 50
Dismiss Undead Undead DD spell Evo. Vendor 90
Greater Healing Healing spell Alt. Vendor 150
Hammer of Striking Summons a magical hammer Con. Vendor 100
Inspire Fear Fear spell Alt. Vendor 80
Symbol of Ryltan HP buff Abj. Vendor 111
Wave of Fear Point blank AE fear spell Alt. Vendor 90
Level: 29
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Abundant Drink Summons 4 water sources Con. Vendor 25
Counteract Disease Cures target of disease effects Alt. Vendor 50
Divine Barrier 18 seconds of invulnerability and HP regen Abj. Vendor 100
Enstill Stops target's movement Alt. Vendor 60
Expulse Summoned Summoned DD spell Evo. Vendor 60
Guard AC buff Abj. Vendor 80
Imbue Black Pearl Create an Imbued Black Pearl Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Black Sapphire Create an Imbued Black Sapphire Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Diamond Create an Imbued Diamond Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Emerald Create an Imbued Emerald Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Opal Create an Imbued Opal Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Peridot Create an Imbued Peridot Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Plains Pebble Create an Imbued Plains Pebble Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Rose Quartz Create an Imbued Star Rose Quartz Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Ruby Create an Imbued Ruby Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Sapphire Create an Imbued Sapphire Alt. Vendor 200
Imbue Topaz Create an Imbued Topaz Alt. Vendor 200
Panic the Dead Undead fear spell Alt. Vendor 50
Revive Summons a player to their corpse Alt. Vendor 300
Word of Spirit Point blank AE direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 133
Wrath Direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 145
Level: 34
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Abundant Food Summons 4 food sources Con. Vendor 25
Armor of Protection Single Target AC & HP Buff Vel. Abj. Vendor 110
Atone Wipes NPC hate list Alt. Vendor 60
Blinding Luminance Blinds target Div. Vendor 50
Expel Undead Undead DD spell Evo. Vendor 130
Force Stuns target with a small amount of damage Evo. Vendor 90
Frenzied Strength Temporary strength buff Alt. Vendor 90
Resist Fire Adds to fire resistance Abj. Vendor 50
Resist Poison Adds to poison resistance Abj. Vendor 50
Superior Healing Healing spell Alt. Vendor 250
Symbol of Pinzarn HP buff Abj. Vendor 200
Tremor Area effect DD spell Evo. Vendor 200
Valor HP and AC buff Abj. Vendor 90
Word of Health Area effect healing spell Alt. Vendor 180
Level: 39
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Armor of Faith AC buff Abj. Vendor 150
Complete Healing Healing spell, restores all hp loss Alt. Vendor 400
Dismiss Summoned Direct Damage againsed Summoned Targets Evo. Vendor 90
Invoke Fear Fear spell Alt. Vendor 100
Nullify Magic Removes magical effects Abj. Vendor 50
Pacify Reduces the target's aggression Alt. Vendor 100
Resist Cold Adds to cold resistance Abj. Vendor 50
Resist Disease Adds to disease resistance Abj. Vendor 50
Resuscitate Summons a player to their corpse with some exp restored Alt. Vendor 500
Turning of the Unnatural Undead Only Damage over Time (Max: 400hp) Vel. Evo. Drop 180
Word of Souls Point blank AE direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 171
Level: 44
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Banish Undead Undead DD spell Evo. Vendor 225
Celestial Healing Target over Time (748 over 24 Secs) Vel. Alt. Drop 225
Earthquake Area effect DD spell Evo. Vendor 375
Hammer of Requital Summons a magical hammer Con. Vendor 150
Resist Magic Adds to magic resistance Abj. Vendor 95
Resolution HP and AC buff Abj. Vendor 110
Retribution Direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 240
Symbol of Naltron HP buff Abj. Vendor 315
Yaulp III Self only combat buff Abj. Vendor 25
Level: 49
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Abolish Poison Removes poison effects Alt. Vendor 100
Expel Summoned Summoned DD spell Evo. Vendor 130
Immobolize Stops target's movement Alt. Vendor 80
Ressurection Summons a player to their corpse with considerable exp restoration Alt. Vendor 700
Shield of Words AC buff Abj. Vendor 300
Sound Of Force Stuns target with a small amount of damage Evo. Vendor 120
Word Divine Point blank AE direct damage spell Evo. Vendor 304
Word of Healing Area effect healing spell Alt. Vendor 600
Level: 50
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Improved Invisibility to Undead Self Only Fixed Duration Invis v. Undead Vel. Abj. Drop 75
Level: 51
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Death Pact Heal When Near Death Buff Kun. Abj. Drop 100
Dread of Night Undead Only Fear Spell Kun. Alt. Vendor 100
Remedy Healing Spell Kun. Alt. Vendor 175
Sunskin Group Invisible to Undead Kun. Div. Drop 120
Level: 52
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Heroic Bond Group HP and AC Buff Kun. Abj. Drop 420
Heroism HP and AC buff Kun. Abj. Vendor 140
Upheaval Area Effect DD Spell Kun. Evo. Drop 625
Word of Vigor Area Effect Healing Kun. Alt. Drop 750
Level: 53
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Annul Magic Removes magical effects Kun. Abj. Vendor 75
Divine Light Healing Spell Kun. Alt. Vendor 350
Yaulp IV Self Only Combat Buff Kun. Abj. Drop 1
Level: 54
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Reckoning Direct Damage spell Kun. Evo. Drop 250
Symbol of Marzin HP Buff Kun. Abj. Vendor 350
Unswerving Hammer of Faith Summon a Animated Hammer Kun. Con. Vendor 600
Level: 55
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Exile Undead Undead DD Spell Kun. Evo. Vendor 250
Fortitude HP and AC Buff Kun. Abj. Drop 175
Stun Command Low Resistance Area Stun Vel. Evo. Drop 150
Wake of Tranquility Reduces the target's aggression Kun. Alt. Vendor 300
Level: 56
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Banish Summoned Summon Only Direct Damage Kun. Evo. Vendor 225
Mark of Karn Healing Damage Shield Kun. Abj. Drop 125
Paralyzing Earth Upgraded Root Spell Kun. Alt. Drop 100
Reviviscence Summons a player to their corpse with considerable exp restoration Kun. Alt. Vendor 600
Level: 57
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Aegis Long Duration AC Buff Kun. Abj. Drop 450
Bulwark of Faith AC Buff Kun. Abj. Vendor 350
Trepidation Fear Spell Kun. Alt. Vendor 200
Word of Restoration Group heal and cure Kun. Alt. Drop 900
Level: 58
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Antidote Reoccurring Abolish Poison Kun. Alt. Drop 100
Enforced Reverence Stun with Direct Damage Kun. Evo. Drop 200
Naltrons Mark Group Symbol Spell (Max: 446hp) Kun. Abj. Drop 500
Level: 59
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Celestial Elixir Heal and Cure over 24 Seconds Kun. Alt. Vendor 300
The Unspoken Word Point Blank Area Effect Direct Damage Spell Kun. Alt. Drop 427
Level: 60
Spell Name Spell Description Era Skill Location Mana
Aegolism Long Duration Single Target AC + HP (1100hp) Vel. Abj. Drop 750
Banishment of Shadows Direct Damage against Undead Kun. Evo. Drop 750
Divine Intervention Save target from death Kun. Abj. Drop 500
Word of Redemption Group Complete Heal Kun. Alt. Drop 1100
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